Winter Super strength ratchet style tie down straps at

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Straps specifically designed for Motorcycle and ATV use.

After a number of years using a number of different strap styles with varying features, we took the best, left the rest, and had our own line of superior straps manufactured right here in the good ol' USA. One characteristic that makes our straps superior is breaking strength - our ratchet straps are rated @ 2,800lbs! We know how much your bike means to you so we cut no corners. Our customers agree, that these are the best on the market for your specific motorcycle needs.

Beyond superior breaking strength, and with your bike in mind, the main feature that our straps include is the Soft Loop Ends. We designed them to gently, wrap around the handle bars, frame, swing arm etc. without damaging the surface. The plastic coated hooks are fine, but I won't pull on any part of my Fatboy with a hook, vinyl coated or not. That's why we added the soft loop ends. The loop wraps around and goes on the hook so the hook itself never has to touch your baby. If possible, we don't recommend tying your bike down by attaching a strap to anything that's painted . Chrome or stainless areas better surfaces to use. Let's face it paint scratches easily, so avoid it.
Another nice feature that we added to our ratchet straps in addition to the soft loop ends is a second loop at the tail end allowing you to easily pull the strap tight.

Our Ratchet Style straps are ideal for tying your bike down to your jack, your trailer or the bed of your truck. For the front of your bike, you will need the ratchet style at the very least. To properly and safely tie your bike down you should compress the front suspension and the ratchet style handles this perfectly. With the Cam/Friction Lock Style you can snug down the front end but not compared to the tightness available with the ratchet.

The cam lock style straps are fine for the rear of your bike. But ideally, we recommend you use 4 ratchets - if cost is a factor then 2 ratchets in front and 2 cam locks in back will secure your bike nicely. Please keep in mind that our cam lock straps are only sold as part of a 4 pack combo

The cam straps are rated @ 1,800lbs - the ratchet straps @ 2,800lbs. Now that's strong!! These are an amazing value for the money. If you compare pricing elsewhere, you will find that a set of 2 of lower quality and capacity are typically far more expensive. A set of 4 for of ours is either $34.95 for the ratchet cam lock combination or $49.95 for four ratchet straps, plus Ground Shipping.

Again, to properly and safely tie your bike down you should compress the front suspension with the ratchets. You need to really crank the front end down with the ratchets and it's best if each strap is at slight forward and outward at an angle of about 10 to 20 degrees. On the rear of the bike I recommend you use 2 more ratchet straps each pulling outward and to the rear at between 10 and 20 degrees.

The ratchet and cam straps are both 72" in length measuring from the coated hook to the end of the soft loop.

We also created 2 more types of straps that are very handy. Our Soft Loop Extensions are ideal if you already have straps and want to have the advantage of a soft loop end. These extensions go on the end of your existing straps. It's a very inexpensive way to "fix" the straps you already have. The loops are 1" wide and 14" in length and have a 2500 lb capacity.

We all care about the finish on our bikes parts - soft loop ends are a must have!


Last is our Wheel Cinch Strap. It is designed to lock the wheel into a chock. If you tie your bike down and the front or rear wheel is chocked, This strap goes through the wheel and around the chock then locks using a handy spring buckle. This strap is 20" long.




Winter Blowout Sale
Special set of four 2,800lbs test
ratchet straps with soft loop ends reduced from $49.95 to $39.95.

Take advantage and order yours right NOW.