Please rest assured that the security of your financial information is extremely important to us. We guarantee that you will never be subjected to a fraudulent charge as a result of doing business with On our Secure Server you will see several things that indicate you actually are in a secure environment.
The URL starts with https:// The "s" following http stands for secure and is your first indication that you are in a secure environment.
You will see a small icon of a lock in the lower right hand section of your browser, if you have your status bar enabled. You can enable it by selecting the VIEW drop down menu and selecting STATUS BAR.
On our secure server you will also see the Verisign Logo which is yet another indication that all your financial information is encrypted.
We have been to countless sites where they claim to provide a secure server
and are in fact not. Look for the items listed above before you buy anywhere
on line. On line commerce, when done properly, is rapidly becoming THE
safest way to use your credit card.